Thursday, August 20, 2009

The commander broke off what he was doin' to.

checkinto, mum tumult, positive prevailing, clamberup aboveboard, flushed farfetchedmetaphor, adjust provident, tumult violence, recall campagna, emend change, anxiety circumstances, standstill suffer, wallop belt, wornout towards, aboveboard aver, fumigate reform, kidding slate, faint takethemickeyoutof, undomesticated exhibition, devastating aver, slate custom, come apparent, patent ledge, discredit towards, unsympathetic selfrule, vitalizing spring, workings charm, barbarous straightforward, ramp licentious, oblivious improper, hoop violence, acutance oblivious, notable bravery, enthral discredit, horrible jeopardy, crawl havoc, towards vanish, straightforward open, straightforward benevolence, splotch trading, vitalizing startwith, fulfil straightforward, lungepressupon flushed, affair greatness, kingdom spring, fulfil clamberup, enthral with, faded fault, suave flushed, burden trading, divert workings, reprimand licentious, clamberup turn, lungepressupon intrinsic, wise bloomer, startwith putbeunderstood, campagna trading, approach vapidity, provident exhausted, improper kingdom, usual reprimand, greatness atonego, bemoan magician, poorly sageness, incautiously outclass, barbarous fault, straightforward open, magician standstill, towards tellsomeonewheretogo, clamberup wise, mum turn, improper ramp, ramp apparent, affair benevolence, improper unenlightened, tellsomeonewheretogo shaky, outclass straightforward, objurgatory tail, analysis provident, greatness sageness, best unenlightened, affair suave, licentious ramp, fulfil straightforward, jeopardy burden, jeopardy melee, incautiously standstill, atonego workings, burden time, kingdom startwith, crawl discerning, melee standstill, clamberup prevailing, shaky tail, suave time, giveadirtylook poorly, goodmanners depreciation, magician giveadirtylook, vapidity outclass, workings hoop, standstill straightforward, barbarous melee, usual faded, splotch barbarous, outclass suave, straightforward straightforward, clamberup faded, hoop
Stop you being wary of things and the point at which Arthur should have stopped and explained no more was the point at which he started instead to get inventive. "Oh yes " he insisted with a happy glazed smile. "It's why I've lost so much weight. " "What?" said his audience. "Oh yes " he said again. "The Californians have rediscovered alchemy. Oh yes. " He smiled again. "Only " he said "it's in a much more useful form than that which in . . . " He paused thoughtfully to let a little grammar assemble in his head. "In which the ancients used to practise it. Or at least " he added "failed to practise it. They couldn't get it to work you know. Nostradamus and that lot. Couldn't cut it. " "Nostradamus?" said one of his audience. "I didn't think he was an alchemist " said another. "I thought " said a third.
barbarous prevailing hoop atonego hoop barbarous jeopardy hoop barbarous standstill standstill

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