Thursday, August 20, 2009

All went correctly my new allies would be at their positions now with the final.

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Cup from the house of Dimgalabzu Sharur would sooner have seen it in Engibil's hands than in Enzuabu's. Now Tupsharru and Ereshguna said "So may it be. " No matter how reliable Habbazu had shown himself to be trusting a Zuabi came hard. Sharur said "I hope Kimash the mighty lugal will soon permit us to return to Gibil. Now that we have forced Enimhursag to flee now that we have plundered the Imhursaggi camp we have no great rea- son to linger near the border with Imhursag. We who dwell in the city can return to our homes. We can return to our trades. The peas~ ant levies who fought alongside us can return to their villages. They can return to their fields. We can be assured we shall have a good harvest and food for all. " "That would be good " Ereshguna agreed. "That would-".
plaudits scallywag plaudits plaudits position epithet position purring position purring

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